Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Terretorial Whale

The Terretorial Whale

I sat down weary in the shade of a tree,
Unaware that the animals were watching me.
I closed my eyes and slept for my mind to rest,
But woke up to a horrendous pain in my chest.
A whale that had seen me sit under "HIS" tree
Had swam up river and stream
And Belly flopped onto me!

Glowpunk Aged 20 something

The Bad Waitress

The BadWaitress

I asked for a spoon but she brought me a knife.
I asked for the bill and that changed my life
She brought me a horse which I then had to feed
And all of this cause she was messed up on weed.

I walked it home and up to my room
Left for some food saying "ill be back soon"
On my return I found horsey nowhere to be seen
And a mess on my bed that I had to clean.

To the restaurant I did return with a plan in my head
And revenge on my mind for my horse soiled bed
I asked for the waitress which had given me the beast
But was given a lion a stick and some meat.

To be continued...

Glowpunk Aged 20 something