Saturday, December 31, 2011

My new year's resolution

                  We made this video today and by chance a homeless man asked could he be part of it and make a new years resolution. We found it very moving and as a result became almost the story behind the video. He had quite an impact on us when we got home to edit the footage and realized that his desires for the new year were incredibly pragmatic compared to ours. We hope that perhaps it will help raise awareness although the message is intentionally not too obvious. He appears near the end. A pleasant man with more humble desires then most of us. Including myself

 Please drop by the video to leave a comment, like and share. Peace

Friday, December 30, 2011

What is glowpunk

A bit about this organic ever changing entity that is Glowpunk videos and events. 

I don't know or want to know exactly what it is.The beauty of this thing is that you can become the star of the video. We all  love to meet new people and explode our social circle. Newness and change for me has always beenthe real joy of living. You come up with a video concept and we will work hard on it with you . The cliff jumping was my Brothers idea, The Trampoline was a viewers idea and the rurfing was a friend and I's idea, so should you have a great idea dont hesitate to let us know and we'll work with you as best we can....

We'll try and do our best to make it work. FUN, COWBOY, OUTSIDE THE BOX is the brand, doesnt have to be watersports. Doesn't have to be sport. Just FUN FUN FUNYou can ask your friends for ideas too :) This week we are shooting two other videos with viewers :) We love you guys and girls.

Peace and happy new year

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Here is the video of our 'Rurfing' If you can drop by the channel on youtube that would be great.

We can't stand up so it isn't surfing and we are not in a kayak so it is not kayaking. Hopefully someday soon more people will Realize that lying so close to the water with no paddle moving down stream with the current is worth a try. 

Myself, Paul Dwyer and Diarmaid Collins drove from Dublin to Galway the night before and stayed in a hostel called snoozles in Galway city centre. We stayed there for 2 nights. We planned and shot the video shots that we could the first day and then went to Roisin Dubh's for a few pints. 

As you can see the river Corrib in Galway was in Spate. It had been lashing rain all week and the river was flowing at great speed. We had rode the river before back in University, but it had been a little lower. We found that it was easy enough  to steer where you wanted to go. 

The closer we got to Wolfe Tone Bridge the larger the swells became. This Shot above is from the GoPro HD I had strapped to my head. You can See I am down in a trough and he is up almost on the crest. Creat crack. The adrenaline was pumping. Which led us to do it five times. Kayakers do this run all the time. But not that many do it when the river is this wild or high because it would be hard for them to get under the bridge in the sitting position. Thus allowing us to go down when the river is a little wilder :)

The final bridge . Wolfe Tone Bridge  had just enough room  under it for us to pass. 

On the far side of the bridge the standing  waves were bigger.. All the water was being forced through the narrow opening. We let the water drive us about 500 m down stream towards the sea near the mouth of the harbor and then calmly paddled out of the powerful  river current into the side.

Special thanks to Paul Dwyer who was chief camera man on the trip,
 and all the people who cheered us on and took photos as we flew under them on the bridge... Great bit of fun...


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Trampoline + Pier = FUN

This is the latest video ... of the second glowpunk event

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Trampoline + Pier = FUN

Please leave a creative and fun comment, share like and subscribe. Thanks 
Here is the video link if you can share this round a few hundred times that would be nice

The sea was cold enough to give us head pains on entry, and there was a cutting wind for the whole time we filmed, but we had lugged a massive trampoline across town and got a mention on Dublin's 98fm evening news so there was no time for softness or back pedaling. Allan Dixon a computer software engineer contacted us after our last event ( See video: )

Informing us that he had a Trampoline and a novel idea. "Lets put a Trampoline on a Pier and Jump off it." he said.

Myself, Daniel Dalton Mark McNamara and Allan Dixon were the only people that were definitely going to be there. But thanks to a last minute mention on Dublin's 98fm news and some shared links to the event on the internet some complete strangers and new glowpunk team members arrived. I guess in total about 20 people arrived to support the event, which is 30 more than the first event :) 

We had a random guy from Belgium who had heard about the event on and two Swiss girls who recieved the link from a friend of a friend on facebook. Brilliant. These people coupled with all those entertained passers by made for an interesting and fun community vibe.

Some Kids who arrived just after we set up trampoline enjoyed the novelty, and totally understood that it was time to play. They kindly agreed with the consent of their parents to be on camera and show us how trampolining is ment to be enjoyed.

Should you wish to see the video for this please drop by the channel 'Glowpunk' on youtube. It will be up in the next few days.

Peace and love from the glowpunk crew. 

Please leave a creative and fun comment, share like and subscribe below. Thanks

The star of the show for the day was Allan Dixon. His fearless aerial assaults on the frigid Irish sea of Howth Harbour were captured in High Definition Video by our wonderful Cameraman Daniel Dalton.
Frank Cronin(Glowpunk) and Allan Dixon (Legend)

The slimmer sexier version of Santa Claus.  Janet Newenham

Safety First

Allan Dixon executes an aerial bombardment on the calmer waters of the Irish sea. if you can share this round a few hundred times that would be nice :)

"Glow and live" -glowpunk

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Stress Relief

Recently I noticed that my stress levels have lowered . I am just as busy as before, but with different things so what could be the reasons for this positive feeling of change. Maybe these.

1. Predictability of life: I have distanced myself a little from the insanely unpredictable that I used embrace. My daily environment is a little more predictable and therefore I have less unexpected last minute problems that require my attention. So maybe if you are feeling stressed you could examen your life and see what excess unpredictability you could remove from your life. Keep a little to keep you guessing and sharp but maybe go on an "unpredictability diet."

2. Free Time:  I have always embraced full days and pride myself on staying on 'the treadmill of life' longer than most. But what I have realized is that balance is important and easy to achieve. Sometimes by  not doing anything important and allowing your mind to uncoil and wander for a period of time you  can renew your energy and focus. That seems to have happened for me.

3. Taking action: I have a little more free time and less pressure as a result of the above mentioned changes in my daily life. Try and get yourself a little free time. Having a little more free time allows you to relax, and when you finally decide to take action you will be in a better condition to execute your actions. Make a list or at least prioritize your work load. If you can make it fun all the better. That means you are not using your mind to remember your appointments and commitments and the new organization frees up a little space for you in your own head.

4. Do what you like: I'm doing more of what I like than I used to. This gives me an enormous sense of well being. I am moving in a direction that I like and allows me to feel fulfilled. This is the clincher and often the hardest part to achieve. But if you can make a list of things you would like to do in your life at least you will have some direction. The minimum reward you will get from making a list is it will get you dreaming again.

                                      PLEASE COMMENT SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE

Friday, December 9, 2011

How to be a stand up comedian.

       After years of telling myself and my closest friends that  I am going to try stand up comedy, I have finally got my first gig. When and where it will be I will be keep a secret because I would be mortified if anybody I knew well enough to know it was a facade of confidence saw me bomb. So I am keeping the biggest mental hurdle of my life to date between me and a room full of strangers. Safest way to do things. I have my 5 minute slot and my 5 minutes written, all that is left to do is practice my routine til it looks effortless and fluid and conquer that relentless fear of failure.

       I have seen easily over 200 comedy acts perform in my life. I've seen the greats of stand up; like Dana Carvey, Robbin Williams and Dylan Moran wow their audiences. And been privileged enough to chat to some of them casually about the most intricate nuances of their craft. Their routines painfully perfect, graceful and apparently effortless.

       As a result of this "inside edge" I feel under more pressure. I can not drop this baton. How could I, with all this exam winning advice I have carefully registered, processed and contemplated over the years? I have no excuse.The only reason I can give for failure is that I am just not funny. The ultimatley painful realization to any wannabe comedian. That something I really hoped to be good at is just not for me.

      Perhaps I have been disillusioned all this time, thinking I could hack it on stage? Thinking I could make people laugh with my ideas? Perhaps I will bomb?  I have seen 'wannabe great newbies' like me suck so bad that I swore if I ever pluck up the courage to get on stage that the least I am going to do is go down all gun blazing. No half ass attempt, no selling myself short.

     The worst things about the guys who really suck is that usually they don't know they suck bad, and no one tells them. They continue sucking on stage over and over again.  If I am going to fail miserably and not be funny, please Lord give me the ability to know that I sucked and not believe the well intentioned platitudes that will always follow the worst moments of your life.

     I'm praying that I am able to read people like I think I can. I'm praying that my idea of funny is actually "funny." To fail at this after all the work I have put into it would hurt that fragile male ego of mine, and to be honest I am not prepared to loose. I'm going in prepared. I'm aware of my weaknesses, I know where I can trip up.

   I love fear. I love risk. I live for adrenaline and all things new. I believe  hard work and self analysis results in winning, and I believe one great test of a man is to overcome a fear. Failing is not an option here. If you work hard on something you have no excuse to suck. If you suck it is cause you didn't work hard enough..

I'm going nail this.....Maybe ... ha!

I'll make a little video out of this escapade  :)

My You Tube channel is 'GLOWPUNK'

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Self Belief is Time Travel

   I call myself a producer I guess because to be honest I don't know what else to call myself. I do a little of everything which ultimately results in me producing some sort of something at the end. So I guess Producer is the best word for my current work habits. If i dig up 99 tasteless rocks and the 100th thing I dig up is a tasty Irish spud then the digging was worth the work and risk.

I'm  busy and I like it. Today I fixed my guitar to write a little song, sent some videos I made to a TV company at their request and am whittling down 3 years of writing to a 5 minute comedy set to perform next week for the first time. This busyness I guess is what happens when you decide to throw caution to the wind and go for what you want. (follow your dreams and all that shit.)  Even though I am throwing caution to the wind doesn't mean I am not scared to death. I am, I could bomb and I like all humans hate to fail. 

I really only have two speeds. Sleep and Go. So as soon as I wake up I generally have a mental list of things I want to do, complete or attempt to achieve. I have been told most days of my life to "not think so much" and to "turn the motor on the side of my head off."

  Asking me to think less and chill would be like asking a horse to stop horsing around... I'm a thinker that is what I do. Until recently I have been mainly a thinker... and I am aware that someday if you want to achieve anything you have to become a doer... never been lazy just never had the means nor the tools before to compete with those who did. Recently I am a class A doer!.

So now i have all this free time, some tools and a lot of drive... I am curious to see where all this will take me in the short term and long term.

 Just wanted to put this down in writing so I can read it in the future (like opening a time capsule) and see what I was thinking. Perhaps I will look back wondering why I believed so much in myself or perhaps I will look back and think 'I wish I believed more in myself.'

A friend of mine who has been hugely 'successful' in the realm he desired success once told me that if he had not listened to all the negativity and just gone for it he would have got to where he finally arrived,10 years sooner. I want o learn from that comment and believe in myself now and embrace the future me now. I guess by avoiding wasting time I am time traveling in a way.

Lets see what happens

Please leave a comment below if you feel like it!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Attention Deficit Disorder is a Blessing in disguise?

             It is 3am , and again I find my mind overflowing with ideas. Must focus! There is nothing more frustrating than a continually wandering mind, when all you want is a mind that focuses and takes action. If I don't have Attention deficit  disorder than I can't imagine the struggle people with it face on a daily basis. That said I believe if I learn to harness it then it will really be a blessing.
           Seeing the world from a different perspective is one of the best assets a human can have in a competitive world. It allows you to engage a problem from a different angle and see solutions that those around you couldn't. Hmmm what do you think?