We all want what we don’t have
If we have something, or it comes easily to us we generally take it for granted. If it is taken away from us or unobtainable we want it. It is one of nature’s ways of keeping us striving for more. On a basic level this constant lack of equilibrium keeps us working hard to obtain things that may help us succeed and procreate more easily.
Our minds don’t have to think about what comes easily to us, or what we have at our beckon call. But if an item or a person is taken away from us a void appears in its place. This void longs to be filled. Hence, we often only miss things when they are gone or out of reach. If we can learn to appreciate all we have before we search for more, we stand a better chance of being content in ourselves. We stand a better chance of glowing brightly.
Why not write down three or four things that you have that you may be taking for granted at this juncture in your life and remind yourself how lucky you are to have them. You will be surprised at how much this can make you glow.
"You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again"
true! Please take time to read and gimme feedback on my other blogs ..much appreciated
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