Friday, February 12, 2010 Success

         I’m sitting in complete darkness save for the glow from the screen on my laptop. It is 3am and the crickets have finished their chorus for the night. They must have succeeded in their endeavours. They shrilled all night with the hope of finding a mate and I guess they succeeded or tired themselves out trying. Pensive, I find myself asking the questions; have I truly succeeded, how successful am I really, and what constitutes real success?

         I believe that real success is not measured by ones achievements, medals or accomplishments gathered, but rather by the emotions one experiences as a result of these positive results. In other words achievements, milestones and conquests are nothing if you do not allow yourself time to take stock of your accomplishments to date and reflect on their impact on your life.

         When was the last time you took stock of your achievements and relived the positive emotions you felt as a result of your triumphs. Allow your self to glow not just from your new achievements, but also allow yourself to reflect and garner happiness from your past achievements and positive experiences. Some things should be allowed to glow years later not just glimmer for a moment.

Glow and live


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