Sunday, June 24, 2012

How to be a funny man 6

My 6th open Mic

I walked an hour from my hostel just above the part of the city known as the Tenderloin, all the way across town to a place called A wonderful upbeat comic and radio presenter called Pam runs the show there. The show is broadcast live on the internet and released later as a podcast. So a lot of comics like to go there to here what they sound like. Of course most comics record there sets on their phones but there is something a little better about the sound when you do it at a proper radio station. The showcase act was by a great improv comedy called 'Moore Devine.' They are very funny and well practiced and I believe once they start making youtube videos will be an internet global sensation. I have mentioned it to them but I guess I am the out of towner who they don't know so i guess they don't give much weight or attention to my comments. Will be nice to see them hit the world stage as soon as they make a video.

So there were about 6 people in the room when i got up and hopefully a few listening in over the internet. I tried a piece about smoking weed for the first time and finding a San Francisco town within china town and then becoming a giant redwood that just wanted to die. There were 3 mics on stage and 2 of the 3 micrphones broke during my set, so that kind of messes up the flow, but i tried to work the mayhem into my set and I guess it was fine for the level I am at. I can feel myself caring less and less about bombing and caring more and more about having fun and being brave and risking material. It is amazing how quick you can improve at something when you are starting from a no skill level. Anyway i did my 5 minutes and then walked back across town, taking in a crack ally beside best buy on my way home. Managed to make it home with a 2000 dollar camera and 2000 dollar laptop intact. Even came up with some premises and ideas on the way home. I have noticed that walking in a new environment is very good for coming up with ideas, and in San Francisco being anonymous and down town with the 'crazys' in the tenderloin, no one looks  at you when you are mumbling to yourself. Ended up at the 'purple onion'comedy club where some comics I met recently were performing. They both did great and the lads on the door kindly let me in free because I am a 'comic.' ONe of the perks of embarrassing yourself on stage regularly, i guess.

Strange but true: Saw the second person receiving a blow job in a car while walking through town. I think I must be walking through the bad parts of town . ha!

Spend the next night messing about trying to fill a comedy gig at 'Amnesia' standing outside the door messing with people and advertising the show. Basically getting my stage time off stage. Good fun, met a nice girl.

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