Dear World,
This isn’t just about surfing,
There is no doubt about it surfing has become an addiction for many ‘glowers.’ And I have just recently taken up the habit. Wow where has the former me gone. I find myself continuously thinking about hitting the road to the waves. The emotions involved are akin to those involved with those I feel when I am chasing a girl.
The thing is I'm not really that good. I appear to be picking it up pretty quick in relation to others of similar experience, but I have so much more to learn. The beauty about surfing for me is the close connection you feel with nature and the sheer simplicity of the apparatus required to play. A board and a wave, how simple can a sport be? How natural!
At first I was frustrated with the 'quality' of the waves that I seemed to draw to the beaches where I surfed. In my head I felt like a dissatisfied customer who was unhappy with the waves, as I would be unhappy with a faulty television. I found that I was complaining about the waves as if they were not up to ‘industry standard.’ But there is no standard. I soon realized waves were as irregular and as individual as you or I.
After a wave or ten I realized that these waves were not being genetically modified or mass produced to appeal to the customer. These waves were as irregular or as regular as ‘Mother Nature’ intended them to be. In a moment of clarity whilst riding a wave I realized that there is no mathematical equation more appealing to ‘glowers’ than those that are least exact, most irregular and most unpredictable.
Like waves we too are irregular, slightly skewed, and vary in dimension and depth. I truly believe that the reason that surfing can hold the attention of so many for so long is because as humans, the varying characteristics of waves are completely in tune with our internal biological equations. Perhaps the chaos theory associated with waves and seemingly irregular things is in sequence, with the human spirit and body.
Is an affinity with nature the secret to life? Is chasing an affinity with nature the one worth while endeavor? Will surfing allow me and you to transcend this manufactured existence? Modern living has evolved far faster then our genes and natural bio-rhythms have. Only when in contact with nature are we really living?
I put it to you that our bodies are totally out of sync with our everyday environment. We humans are the square peg in the round hole that is our world.
Start smashing off the shackles of modern living and begin to think. You get one stab at this life fellow glowers. Are you going to chase the Jones's? School, college, year traveling abroad, job, car, partner, house, mortgage, pension, then wish you lived your life differently as you lie in your hospital bed.
A simple question.
What would you rather be doing right now?
Think about your answer carefully then scroll down.
‘Glow and Live’
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