Friday, January 22, 2010 Perspective

Put Life in perspective

        There is a vista point near to where I lived as a child. When ever I am home I drive up there at least once. Perhaps it is escapism or perhaps it is just about putting everything in a more healthy perspective. From the vista point high in the hills the whole city is visible. By day you can make out the different towns. Each flagged by a towering church or man made object. At night lights of buildings, streets, and traffic glow.

         Neither in the day nor in the night can you make out a single human being. From the vista point only man’s creations are visible. Somewhere between and inside the countless buildings glowers reside smothered by modern living. Who wants to join glowpunk on the vista point and head deeper into the hills for some adventures. Remember fellow glowers life is short. Glow and live!


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