Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Never Work Again

Never Work Again

Why work in a job for 4 weeks holidays a year? You can live in an eternal state of vacation and adventure all year round for free right now! How? By volunteering! Not only do you get an opportunity to change the world around you and help those less fortunate than you, but you are fed and sheltered in some of the most interesting places in the world. You may be working hard but you will always feel as if you are on an adventure and not trapped working for the man.

So whether it is building schools in South America, teaching English in Thailand or nursing lion cubs in Africa. Be aware that all you have to do is go on the net and search for the words ‘Volunteer Abroad.’ You will be amazed at the opportunities available to those willing to go and glow! There are dream opportunities out there waiting to be enjoyed by the glower in you.


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