Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You are a light bulb!


You are a light bulb hanging from the ceiling. You don’t know how you got there, but someone put you there and turned you on. You have a life span. Your life span depends on a few things. The electricity that powers you (food, drink,), and he amount of times someone switches you on or off (life experiences.)

You could be an energy saving bulb that likes to burn long and low, a regular bulb, that burns bright but doesn’t live that long, or you could be a hybrid. Which bulb are you?

Your genes may decide the type of bulb you are but what lamp shade you wear is completely up to you. The lamp shade you wear decides the light you cast upon the world around you. What kind of lampshade would you choose? Would you wear one at all?

Perhaps you are a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling, but you are part of a circuit that is connected to countless other bulbs in the house. Can you influence how the other bulbs in the house where you hang glow?



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