Third Comedy Open Mic
Tough crowd, bad show, I bombed but Great host Mike runs a good ship
Monday night at the Brainwash, it was a mixed open night, three rappers/poets before me and then I got up and tried to deliver dry material. The room was completely quiet. I nearly left with my tail between my legs after my 3min30sec set but by chance stayed on and watched a guy kill. He was great.
The room was still silent for him too, and that made me think wow, it really is partly the crowd and the room. He was touring and everything and still played to silence... He did brilliantly though and kept his pauses and timings... I imagine we may hear about this fella in the future, i think he may have just given me the best lesson about sticking to your guns and be fearless with your material... The room tried to destroy him and he just slowed it down and destroyed the room. Awesome to watch a comedian kill in complete silence.
I did how ever make a few school boy errors...
1 Signed up after a rapper.
2. Tried new material without preparing and committing properly.
3. Showed signs of fear.
4. I wasn't amped up or focused, too casual.
5. Openly cared to much about the audience's reaction.
I "bombed"... and if that is as bad as it gets I should be ok from here on in....maybe... hmmm
Walked back through the Tenderloin and Mission Street area which is a tough part of town and arrived home in one piece, Laptop intact... It seems the lads on the streets there only want to sell drugs and not mug. Actually have met a few cool cats on my little walks. Sad to see so many people in turmoil though.
New goals, commit to my material and pause and hold as the material dictates, be less reliant on the audiences responses while still being present.. It is a fine balance and hard to put down in text but I know what i mean and i guess some people who have been in my position will.
The key is to get up tomorrow and try and kill.....
C'mon ego stay strong! You can fucking do it!
Tough crowd, bad show, I bombed but Great host Mike runs a good ship
Monday night at the Brainwash, it was a mixed open night, three rappers/poets before me and then I got up and tried to deliver dry material. The room was completely quiet. I nearly left with my tail between my legs after my 3min30sec set but by chance stayed on and watched a guy kill. He was great.
The room was still silent for him too, and that made me think wow, it really is partly the crowd and the room. He was touring and everything and still played to silence... He did brilliantly though and kept his pauses and timings... I imagine we may hear about this fella in the future, i think he may have just given me the best lesson about sticking to your guns and be fearless with your material... The room tried to destroy him and he just slowed it down and destroyed the room. Awesome to watch a comedian kill in complete silence.
I did how ever make a few school boy errors...
1 Signed up after a rapper.
2. Tried new material without preparing and committing properly.
3. Showed signs of fear.
4. I wasn't amped up or focused, too casual.
5. Openly cared to much about the audience's reaction.
I "bombed"... and if that is as bad as it gets I should be ok from here on in....maybe... hmmm
Walked back through the Tenderloin and Mission Street area which is a tough part of town and arrived home in one piece, Laptop intact... It seems the lads on the streets there only want to sell drugs and not mug. Actually have met a few cool cats on my little walks. Sad to see so many people in turmoil though.
New goals, commit to my material and pause and hold as the material dictates, be less reliant on the audiences responses while still being present.. It is a fine balance and hard to put down in text but I know what i mean and i guess some people who have been in my position will.
The key is to get up tomorrow and try and kill.....
C'mon ego stay strong! You can fucking do it!
hey man,
Cormac here from!
I recently started doing stand up aswell and the crowd plays a huge part! one set can go down amazing and the next night - nothing!
Try find a club that just does comedy with a good mc - thats so important aswell - i recently did one where there was no real mc and went on first to a dead, cold audience - let's just say ive had better days hah
but fair play man! Huge respect for you doing that. Every comedian ive spoke to here keeps saying the importance of stage time, no matter how bad the gig goes, and if it is going bad, to be able to deliver you're material without being phased by the lack of audience reaction ;)
Anyway, best of luck man with the rest of it!
Thanks man! agreed on all accounts... how is it going for you?
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