It was great fun to work with Buzz, or as he is known in real life Owen Colgan. We improvised the whole scene and I was honestly astounded at how quick he was. A very nice guy who I wish every success in the future. If there is any firness in the industry Owen will do very well.
The plan is to document my life and incorporate a few celebrity guests into this tent series. Hope you like it. How he found my tent I will never know ;) Now I really have to study!
I'll probably be on The John Murray Show on RTE Radio 1
9-10am tomorrow talking shite about living in my tent if you feel like listening in. (They say they have 327,000 daily listeners but I'd be happy with 100,000.haha!) Could be worse.
So these things exist now should anyone have some spare cash. :)
If you know me, you will know I am not very materialistic so the money will go into my channel. I'll set up a shop in Ireland later when I get a chance, so the shipping will be less for my Irish Lads and Lassies. Lots of colors to choose from so have fun!
This stuff was conceived by me and designed by Award winning Irish Designer Paul McMahon, to help promote my youtube channel Glowpunk. Blah blah blah!
Was looking around the class today and listening to people and thinking.... My God these freaks are eccentric!, then I remembered I am living in a tent. :)
Hey guys all the youtube lads seem to have t-shirts and merchandise. Well, I thought wouldn't it be nice to have some too. It would help grow the channel and spread the ideas. Here is a little preview just sent to me from an incredible Irish designer called Paul McMahon. I will be having a little raffle very soon for a T-shirt.Would anyone be interested? ( If you don't know what Feic means, have a root on google;) I can use the proceeds from this stuff to pay for adventures and camera stuff. Well that is if they sell!
Just so you know,
Right now I am very very broke, but not for long. So please dont pity me. I have business interests that are maturing.(Yahoo!) And I will take you on that adventure too around xmas time. Should be fun. It will be in Guadalajara, Mexico. So, Mr. Fancy Businessman ....why are you broke?
Well it comes down to some choices and principles.As any business man worth their salt will tell you, sometimes you have to forget your own salary and comforts and pay your workers first and put your business first to reach your long term goals. Especially if you want to compete against people with a lot of money behind them.
My business partner David Walsh (A legend of a guy) and I needed to invest heavily in some restaurants we have over the last few months, and the next few months too. So, cash doesn't exist but assets do and those assets are not fluid right now. I could take a big loan with heavy interest from a bank, but, personally I like to operate outside of the banking system where possible, (because of what I perceive they have done to my country.) Basically, we have been pretty broke for about 4 years now as I build the business with my friend David.We do not come from wealthy families so every penny that comes in goes out, and that is fine. After all that is how 'new wealth' is made. Most people think when you have your own businesses that you are made of money. Nothing could be further from the truth. I think it takes 3-5 years before you ever make a single penny. Unless you are a hero, which I am clearly not.
Also, part of me wants to rebel against 'the norm.' Stick my two index fingers up at linear thinking, and also shout this as loud as possible ...'Why the F@ck should I live in a house if I can't afford to right now, just so you close minded folk feel ok, and your perfect world, where business men live in mansions doesn't collapse. Would you prefer I kept up appearances and lost everything including the 20 jobs David and I create.'....or something to that affect. This is how I roll and this 'madness' works really f@cking well in business. I dont owe a single penny to any institution and will hopefully be cashing in soon, if my luck holds out and hard work pays off. I am a product of every experience in life that I have ever had. Some awesome, some average and others bad.
Where am I coming from? I love to follow instinct and dare to risk big. I trust my brain and body to take care of me. I love non-linear disruptive action and thought. This "madness" is part of why man discovered flight and why some day there will be campsites near universities full of students. (I f@cking bet ya!) Maybe part of why I am camping is because I fear loosing the hunger and the edge that I have carried like a double edge sword my whole life. When the money finally arrives will it destroy my need to drive forward and adventure. Will I become a softer, a less interested in life version, of myself former self. Or, maybe it's just cause I am a little mad! There definitely could be some of that in the mix too. I won't deny that possibility, but as I like to say... 'You have to be a little nuts or you will go nuts.' When it comes down to it, I don't even know why I am doing this, apart from the fact that I want to and I am too short on cash to rent.
Where my business interests are in Mexico right now is a very competitive, and for the last few months and the foreseeable future my business partner and I have opted to reinvest every cent to beat the competition. And, it is working gloriously, and I hope (if the risk and investment pays off) by the end of my time in University I will be on the up income wise once again.
So in a way this may be my last opportunity to really experience financial hardship. I believe it is just as important to embrace the bad experiences, as it is the good ones. Keeps you feeling alive and present, and also inspires new thought and ideas that may lead to somewhere great that you can't conjure up doing the same things day in-day out.
So please DONT FEEL SORRY FOR ME, or try to tell me that you know better. I love the messiness and hardship of life. I want this experience. I want to learn from this life. I will be dead and gone in less than 100 years and no matter what I do it will be forgotten in time. I am documenting this cause I want to, and I feel driven to share the experience, and for a million other reasons I can't fathom or verbalise. Not everyone is going to like it, nor do I want everyone to like it. (Although some liking it would be nice.)
Millions have endured a lot more than me, for a lot longer than me. All the 'nay sayers' and trolls who don't see merit in this project/adventure, or find fault in how I roll, have nothing to do with my direction, or my personal development as a human. And try as they may to belittle my efforts all they are doing is missing the point . No one knows why we are here, or what we are supposed to do with our lives. Being critical of another human just highlights an inability to think at any great depth. F@ck, even I know I know nothing and that I am of little or no importance on a grand scale.
So in conclusion, I am very happy now. I am here as a result of the choices and principles I choose to stand by, and because I want to communicate this simple message
-Life is Fucking Short, Live it!
I have a website My life is on there, like an open book. You can link up with me 1000 different ways should you wish.
Getting on the bus from Dublin to Galway with Only 10 Euros. Exciting times. Recording video log now too:) There is an air of excitement coursing through my veins, but that is slightly retarded by my lack of sleep. Myself and Stuart King were filming until midnight last night for the "Time Wasters" movie in Dublin City centre. I think it went well. Cant get over this service. Well I'm thinking I might use this service all the time.
Why you might say? Im sitting on the bus travelling at 60mph in comfort, while writing this, saving on gas money, saving on stress, not worrying about parking, and not missing mobility because I know Galway is a nucleated, navigable by foot city. Good Times
So the plan today is to get to NUIG University. It will be a short walk. Drop my bag, Attend a few classes and get my timetable. Get to the University Gym, buy a membership and thus have my gym and washing facilities sorted for this little adventure. (that i hope you will join me on.) Then head of to a few locations I have researched on Google maps and see can I set up my home (tent) there. Ideally, I will find a place that is not within view of passing people and that I can leave it set up while I go to college. I will always carry my valuables with me, but I can leave my clothes and bedding there all the time if I find a secluded enough place. A hard thing to do in a city....but I am guessing it is possible, hence this project. Will edit a video later tonight, that will be available on Youtube on the 'GLOWPUNK' channel ASAP.