Sunday, February 21, 2010

Are you a river?

We are rivers running towards the ocean. When we are a trickle or a stream we move slowly, hindered by every obstacle or piece of debris that life throws at us. We wiggle, wind and meander slowly towards our seemingly distant ocean of potential. We reflect a little light back on the world around us as we struggle to make our way down stream. We are barely glowing.

But sometimes we are in spate. We are a flood of energy. Empowered by tributaries.(Positive influences in our lives.) We rage towards our oceans of potential, unstoppable and almost unaware of the obstacles we encounter. Sometimes we have so much energy that we can even carry these negative obstacles with us and help them reach their ocean of potential too.

When we are raging torrents we reflect so much light and energy on the world around us and absorb so much light and energy that by the time we reach the sea we can support countless other entities, great and small alike. Remember the last time you were a raging glowing torrent flowing effortlessly toward your potential? How can you do it again?


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