Wednesday, January 20, 2010 begins  begins

Dear World,

It is 6.50am and I am at home alone sitting in perfect silence. I was out last night with the lads got in around 4 and have been up since. I was designated driver so I haven't had a drop. My mind is free untainted and crystal clear.

The reason I can’t sleep is because I am on the cusp of something. Exactly what, I don’t know. I have this overwhelming feeling of being pulled in a direction. All I know is that it is away from the well worn path

I need to travel and experience, and I need to begin now! A month abroad after a year of work is not enough. I want to be a vagrant with no agenda except life experiences and fun. I want less responsibility, more living on the spur of the moment. More reality not this manufactured fake modern reality crud that has us all working and striving for objectives we don’t really want.

The way I see it is this, there are two real worlds that are running parallel to each other. There is the materialistic school, job, car and pension world and the Mother Theresa, Vasco de Gama, Che Guevara raw world.

For too long I have toed the line and settled for the reasonable, the normal and the safe, and I am NOT going to continue on this souless vein. There is a world out there and a life of adventure out there waiting to be discovered.

I am not going to let whatever insecurities other people have on life affect how I live my life. My mind is an adventurers mind. A mind that takes a chance and doesn't think too far in advance. A semblance of a plan is essential but flexibility is essential. Some might say that this philosophy is naive but I think it is the ‘scared to step outside their comfort zone people’ that have it all wrong. To me they are conformist senseless creatures, and they are getting sucked into the ‘Borg Ship.’ They are not ‘glowers.’

Well I say let them follow. Let them serve to the hum drum society they live in. It allows glowers like you and I to buzz around on the fringes of the ‘acceptable.’

If everyone was to glow like us the world would be too crazy too unpredictable. So it is better that there is only a few of us glowers.

So yeah enough waffle and talk. I'm leaving my job. I'm putting college on hold for however long it takes and I am taking my savings to spend on what feels like a real life to me.

What am I saving for anyway? I am here for another 100 years max (very optimistic). On a grand scale there is no point trying to leave a legacy or trying to prove yourself to anyone on this planet by having a big house or a flash car. 10,000 years from now do you think anyone will care? You and I certainly won't. We are here for how ever long we are here for, and with out wanting to rush anyone... every second you spend trying to achieve material goods is a second wasted trying to acquire the antithesis of life.

I admit that sometimes there is a necessity for material goods, and sure monetary wealth comes in handy but to put any stock in material goods or to allow yourself to be defined by them is moronic.

Don’t get me wrong if I make a load of money I will welcome it, but that will come to me doing something I believe in. I firmly believe you can only really be great at something you like.

So my fellow glowers do you want to come for the ride and smash off the shackles of modern day living or ‘wallow in the habitual and the banal.’

‘To each there own’ but mine is not the average it is the exceptional. Be true to yourself!



Derry said...

Thats some good glow-ing....

Anonymous said...

I reckon that if I can spread my Glow Spunk around the world we will soon having a owing planet. What you think fellow Glow Spunker?