Never Work Again
Why work in a job for 4 weeks holidays a year? You can live in an eternal state of vacation and adventure all year round for free right now! How? By volunteering! Not only do you get an opportunity to change the world around you and help those less fortunate than you, but you are fed and sheltered in some of the most interesting places in the world. You may be working hard but you will always feel as if you are on an adventure and not trapped working for the man.
So whether it is building schools in South America, teaching English in Thailand or nursing lion cubs in Africa. Be aware that all you have to do is go on the net and search for the words ‘Volunteer Abroad.’ You will be amazed at the opportunities available to those willing to go and glow! There are dream opportunities out there waiting to be enjoyed by the glower in you.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
You are a light bulb!
You are a light bulb hanging from the ceiling. You don’t know how you got there, but someone put you there and turned you on. You have a life span. Your life span depends on a few things. The electricity that powers you (food, drink,), and he amount of times someone switches you on or off (life experiences.)
You could be an energy saving bulb that likes to burn long and low, a regular bulb, that burns bright but doesn’t live that long, or you could be a hybrid. Which bulb are you?
Your genes may decide the type of bulb you are but what lamp shade you wear is completely up to you. The lamp shade you wear decides the light you cast upon the world around you. What kind of lampshade would you choose? Would you wear one at all?
Perhaps you are a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling, but you are part of a circuit that is connected to countless other bulbs in the house. Can you influence how the other bulbs in the house where you hang glow?
You are a light bulb hanging from the ceiling. You don’t know how you got there, but someone put you there and turned you on. You have a life span. Your life span depends on a few things. The electricity that powers you (food, drink,), and he amount of times someone switches you on or off (life experiences.)
You could be an energy saving bulb that likes to burn long and low, a regular bulb, that burns bright but doesn’t live that long, or you could be a hybrid. Which bulb are you?
Your genes may decide the type of bulb you are but what lamp shade you wear is completely up to you. The lamp shade you wear decides the light you cast upon the world around you. What kind of lampshade would you choose? Would you wear one at all?
Perhaps you are a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling, but you are part of a circuit that is connected to countless other bulbs in the house. Can you influence how the other bulbs in the house where you hang glow?
Monday, February 22, 2010
The fact that you will never reach your full potential is a good thing
You will never reach your full potential. There is always more you can do or could have done. This is not a negative statement. In fact it is a positive statement. There is always something you can do better. Every aspect of whatever you attempt can be improved. Embrace the fact that you have never reached your full potential. If you had you would have no more to give, no more to experience. There would be no point in striving to better your situation, your craft or your next goal.
Some people fear there being no end to what they can do. Not glowers! To accept that you can always do better leaves you highly aware of what you have left to accomplish, experience and enjoy.
Embrace your lack of accomplishment. Every goal should be a mere hurdle on an endless steeplechase. Every hurdle crossed should reveal new hurdles and options and make you more aware of what there is left to do. You are a being without limits. I say again you can do anything. Embrace the fact that you are as infinitely powerful and as capable as you allow yourself to be! Don’t follow the herd to the slaughter house, check out the higher pastures and have a nibble of some hard to reach grass on the far side of the electric fence.
You will never reach your full potential. There is always more you can do or could have done. This is not a negative statement. In fact it is a positive statement. There is always something you can do better. Every aspect of whatever you attempt can be improved. Embrace the fact that you have never reached your full potential. If you had you would have no more to give, no more to experience. There would be no point in striving to better your situation, your craft or your next goal.
Some people fear there being no end to what they can do. Not glowers! To accept that you can always do better leaves you highly aware of what you have left to accomplish, experience and enjoy.
Embrace your lack of accomplishment. Every goal should be a mere hurdle on an endless steeplechase. Every hurdle crossed should reveal new hurdles and options and make you more aware of what there is left to do. You are a being without limits. I say again you can do anything. Embrace the fact that you are as infinitely powerful and as capable as you allow yourself to be! Don’t follow the herd to the slaughter house, check out the higher pastures and have a nibble of some hard to reach grass on the far side of the electric fence.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Are you a river?
We are rivers running towards the ocean. When we are a trickle or a stream we move slowly, hindered by every obstacle or piece of debris that life throws at us. We wiggle, wind and meander slowly towards our seemingly distant ocean of potential. We reflect a little light back on the world around us as we struggle to make our way down stream. We are barely glowing.
But sometimes we are in spate. We are a flood of energy. Empowered by tributaries.(Positive influences in our lives.) We rage towards our oceans of potential, unstoppable and almost unaware of the obstacles we encounter. Sometimes we have so much energy that we can even carry these negative obstacles with us and help them reach their ocean of potential too.
When we are raging torrents we reflect so much light and energy on the world around us and absorb so much light and energy that by the time we reach the sea we can support countless other entities, great and small alike. Remember the last time you were a raging glowing torrent flowing effortlessly toward your potential? How can you do it again?
We are rivers running towards the ocean. When we are a trickle or a stream we move slowly, hindered by every obstacle or piece of debris that life throws at us. We wiggle, wind and meander slowly towards our seemingly distant ocean of potential. We reflect a little light back on the world around us as we struggle to make our way down stream. We are barely glowing.
But sometimes we are in spate. We are a flood of energy. Empowered by tributaries.(Positive influences in our lives.) We rage towards our oceans of potential, unstoppable and almost unaware of the obstacles we encounter. Sometimes we have so much energy that we can even carry these negative obstacles with us and help them reach their ocean of potential too.
When we are raging torrents we reflect so much light and energy on the world around us and absorb so much light and energy that by the time we reach the sea we can support countless other entities, great and small alike. Remember the last time you were a raging glowing torrent flowing effortlessly toward your potential? How can you do it again?
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Never judge the future on the past.
Never judge the future on the past.
Never judge the future on the past. If you get hurt once that doesn’t mean you will definitely get hurt again. Remember to glow as brightly as you did when you were a child void of bad experiences and intrigued by all the possibilities around you.
Sometimes it is worth delving into your past experiences. Your experiences can help guide you in your future decisions but if you let them dictate every future action you take you may not glow as brightly as you could. Fight the oppressive power of past experience and live in the moment and the future will take care of itself.
Never judge the future on the past.
Never judge the future on the past. If you get hurt once that doesn’t mean you will definitely get hurt again. Remember to glow as brightly as you did when you were a child void of bad experiences and intrigued by all the possibilities around you.
Sometimes it is worth delving into your past experiences. Your experiences can help guide you in your future decisions but if you let them dictate every future action you take you may not glow as brightly as you could. Fight the oppressive power of past experience and live in the moment and the future will take care of itself.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Do what you say you will do! www.glowpunk.com
People gravitate towards predictability. There is a little sheep in all of us. We humans watch programs on TV that are almost formulaic in there construction. When we open a bottle of beer we expect a certain taste. When we meet old friends we trust that there will still be a bond.
All this predictability allows our minds to relax a little when it comes to interpreting the basics in life and leaves them free to work on the more complicated details that crop up from time to time. So how does doing what you say you will do change the world.
When you do what you say you will do you not only make your life easier because your mind is simply following a plan, but you also make those who interact with you glow because you allow their minds are free to work on the not so predictable aspects of their lives. You allow others who are intertwined in your daily actions to relax in the knowledge that you will do what you say.
Unpredictability has its place too, but that will be covered in another blog. Honoring your word will make people gravitate towards you. Be careful! Honoring your word is a powerful tool. You may soon be overwhelmed by people who desire the comfort of your reliable and wonderful company. You and those around you will glow.
All this predictability allows our minds to relax a little when it comes to interpreting the basics in life and leaves them free to work on the more complicated details that crop up from time to time. So how does doing what you say you will do change the world.
When you do what you say you will do you not only make your life easier because your mind is simply following a plan, but you also make those who interact with you glow because you allow their minds are free to work on the not so predictable aspects of their lives. You allow others who are intertwined in your daily actions to relax in the knowledge that you will do what you say.
Unpredictability has its place too, but that will be covered in another blog. Honoring your word will make people gravitate towards you. Be careful! Honoring your word is a powerful tool. You may soon be overwhelmed by people who desire the comfort of your reliable and wonderful company. You and those around you will glow.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Food www.glowpunk.com
Eat well and enjoy your food. It gives you the energy to use your body to it's potential. Every ounce of your body is made up of what you put into it. You really are what you eat. Find the balance that allows you to live and act the way you want. Much of your emotions and your actions will be influenced by the food you eat. Coupled with the correct measure of sleep and activity you can glow long and hard!
Eat well and enjoy your food. It gives you the energy to use your body to it's potential. Every ounce of your body is made up of what you put into it. You really are what you eat. Find the balance that allows you to live and act the way you want. Much of your emotions and your actions will be influenced by the food you eat. Coupled with the correct measure of sleep and activity you can glow long and hard!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
We all want what we don’t have
We all want what we don’t have
If we have something, or it comes easily to us we generally take it for granted. If it is taken away from us or unobtainable we want it. It is one of nature’s ways of keeping us striving for more. On a basic level this constant lack of equilibrium keeps us working hard to obtain things that may help us succeed and procreate more easily.
Our minds don’t have to think about what comes easily to us, or what we have at our beckon call. But if an item or a person is taken away from us a void appears in its place. This void longs to be filled. Hence, we often only miss things when they are gone or out of reach. If we can learn to appreciate all we have before we search for more, we stand a better chance of being content in ourselves. We stand a better chance of glowing brightly.
Why not write down three or four things that you have that you may be taking for granted at this juncture in your life and remind yourself how lucky you are to have them. You will be surprised at how much this can make you glow.
If we have something, or it comes easily to us we generally take it for granted. If it is taken away from us or unobtainable we want it. It is one of nature’s ways of keeping us striving for more. On a basic level this constant lack of equilibrium keeps us working hard to obtain things that may help us succeed and procreate more easily.
Our minds don’t have to think about what comes easily to us, or what we have at our beckon call. But if an item or a person is taken away from us a void appears in its place. This void longs to be filled. Hence, we often only miss things when they are gone or out of reach. If we can learn to appreciate all we have before we search for more, we stand a better chance of being content in ourselves. We stand a better chance of glowing brightly.
Why not write down three or four things that you have that you may be taking for granted at this juncture in your life and remind yourself how lucky you are to have them. You will be surprised at how much this can make you glow.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
We are all Dying so lets start Living www.glowpunk.com
We are all Dying so lets start Living
It is often said that apart from change there is only one certainty and that is death. Most people don’t know when their time is going to be up! Those who know they are about to die usually take charge of their lives as best the can to maximize the short time they have left. Short is a relative term. A life of 100 years is a short time. People who only begin to glow brightly when they know they have a short time left to glow may be starting a little late. Better late than never. Start now!
Start living now as if you know you are on your last legs because you are! To do anything else is almost ridiculous. Maximize your experiences on this earth. Maximise the emotions you feel and the time you spend being happy. To do otherwise is wasting what little time you have left. If you are lucky you have a maximum of 100 years. If you live like you are about to die you can live 10 lifetimes in one…Now that is good value!
Glow and Live.
It is often said that apart from change there is only one certainty and that is death. Most people don’t know when their time is going to be up! Those who know they are about to die usually take charge of their lives as best the can to maximize the short time they have left. Short is a relative term. A life of 100 years is a short time. People who only begin to glow brightly when they know they have a short time left to glow may be starting a little late. Better late than never. Start now!
Start living now as if you know you are on your last legs because you are! To do anything else is almost ridiculous. Maximize your experiences on this earth. Maximise the emotions you feel and the time you spend being happy. To do otherwise is wasting what little time you have left. If you are lucky you have a maximum of 100 years. If you live like you are about to die you can live 10 lifetimes in one…Now that is good value!
Glow and Live.
Monday, February 15, 2010
www.glowpunk.com Are You A Dog?
Are you a dog?
Dogs are trained over time to recognise that if they run away they will be missing out on the easy meals, shelter and the comfortable lifestyle they are used to. They may be being treated badly by their owners but they remain with them anyway. They are afraid to venture outside their comfort zones in case something better doesn’t exist. The animals often have the opportunity to go out and adventure, but they never do. Are humans similar?
We as humans have been blessed with slightly more able minds than the animals we keep. However sometimes we too find it too frightening and too hard to venture outside our comfort zones. How is your current way of living your life similar to that of a household pet? If you did decide to cast of the invisible shackles of modern living, what would you do and where would you glow?
Glow and Live
Are you a dog?
Dogs are trained over time to recognise that if they run away they will be missing out on the easy meals, shelter and the comfortable lifestyle they are used to. They may be being treated badly by their owners but they remain with them anyway. They are afraid to venture outside their comfort zones in case something better doesn’t exist. The animals often have the opportunity to go out and adventure, but they never do. Are humans similar?
We as humans have been blessed with slightly more able minds than the animals we keep. However sometimes we too find it too frightening and too hard to venture outside our comfort zones. How is your current way of living your life similar to that of a household pet? If you did decide to cast of the invisible shackles of modern living, what would you do and where would you glow?
Glow and Live
Sunday, February 14, 2010
www.glowpunk.com It Is OK To Love Yourself
It Is OK To Love Yourself
You cannot affect positive change in others unless you first embrace a positive sense of yourself. It is OK to love yourself and appreciate every nuance of your individuality. Embrace all that is you. Appreciate your ‘strengths’ and ‘weaknesses.’ Acknowledge that you are flawless and that what some people may consider faults in your persona are merely nuances of your personality that are slightly out of sync with what they or society at that instant accept as the norm.
Everything about you is neither good nor bad. Good and Bad is only a human construct. Every element of your being deserves respect. And every element of everyone around you deserves respect. So how does loving yourself aid you in your endeavours to help others glow?
Imagine these scenarios: If you don’t treat yourself you may begrudge those around you that you treat or who treat themselves. If you don’t eat you may feel hostility to those around you who eat without restraint. If you don’t love yourself you may not find it as easy to love those around you. By loving yourself you allow yourself to glow and by glowing you help others love themselves. Being good to yourself is OK.
Glow and Live,
It Is OK To Love Yourself
You cannot affect positive change in others unless you first embrace a positive sense of yourself. It is OK to love yourself and appreciate every nuance of your individuality. Embrace all that is you. Appreciate your ‘strengths’ and ‘weaknesses.’ Acknowledge that you are flawless and that what some people may consider faults in your persona are merely nuances of your personality that are slightly out of sync with what they or society at that instant accept as the norm.
Everything about you is neither good nor bad. Good and Bad is only a human construct. Every element of your being deserves respect. And every element of everyone around you deserves respect. So how does loving yourself aid you in your endeavours to help others glow?
Imagine these scenarios: If you don’t treat yourself you may begrudge those around you that you treat or who treat themselves. If you don’t eat you may feel hostility to those around you who eat without restraint. If you don’t love yourself you may not find it as easy to love those around you. By loving yourself you allow yourself to glow and by glowing you help others love themselves. Being good to yourself is OK.
Glow and Live,
rebellion www.glowpunk.com
Saturday, February 13, 2010
www.glowpunk.com Change The World With A Smile
Change the world with a smile
A woman screams in desperation. She has lost her child to a collapsed building in Haiti. The image is broadcast world wide and the news reader explains the image depicted on your TV to you the viewer. You begin to empathise, relate and understand the emotions of the woman involved. You feel some of the distress that the screaming woman feels. You begin to glow. You relate to your fellow human beings. In moments like this if you can step back from the emotion and analyse you realise that one individual’s emotional state can affect another individual. How can a glower use this understanding to improve the world around them?
Simple! Today, you can affect the emotional state of those around you in a positive way. Use your positive state to influence others. You can have a positive impact on others simply by sharing a smile with the world or offering a kind word. Glow out there and change the world for the better. A smile makes a difference and that is just the beginning. What more can you do to make the world more amazing for you and those around you?
Glow and Live,
Change the world with a smile
A woman screams in desperation. She has lost her child to a collapsed building in Haiti. The image is broadcast world wide and the news reader explains the image depicted on your TV to you the viewer. You begin to empathise, relate and understand the emotions of the woman involved. You feel some of the distress that the screaming woman feels. You begin to glow. You relate to your fellow human beings. In moments like this if you can step back from the emotion and analyse you realise that one individual’s emotional state can affect another individual. How can a glower use this understanding to improve the world around them?
Simple! Today, you can affect the emotional state of those around you in a positive way. Use your positive state to influence others. You can have a positive impact on others simply by sharing a smile with the world or offering a kind word. Glow out there and change the world for the better. A smile makes a difference and that is just the beginning. What more can you do to make the world more amazing for you and those around you?
Glow and Live,
Friday, February 12, 2010
www.glowpunk.com Success
I’m sitting in complete darkness save for the glow from the screen on my laptop. It is 3am and the crickets have finished their chorus for the night. They must have succeeded in their endeavours. They shrilled all night with the hope of finding a mate and I guess they succeeded or tired themselves out trying. Pensive, I find myself asking the questions; have I truly succeeded, how successful am I really, and what constitutes real success?
I believe that real success is not measured by ones achievements, medals or accomplishments gathered, but rather by the emotions one experiences as a result of these positive results. In other words achievements, milestones and conquests are nothing if you do not allow yourself time to take stock of your accomplishments to date and reflect on their impact on your life.
When was the last time you took stock of your achievements and relived the positive emotions you felt as a result of your triumphs. Allow your self to glow not just from your new achievements, but also allow yourself to reflect and garner happiness from your past achievements and positive experiences. Some things should be allowed to glow years later not just glimmer for a moment.
Glow and live
I’m sitting in complete darkness save for the glow from the screen on my laptop. It is 3am and the crickets have finished their chorus for the night. They must have succeeded in their endeavours. They shrilled all night with the hope of finding a mate and I guess they succeeded or tired themselves out trying. Pensive, I find myself asking the questions; have I truly succeeded, how successful am I really, and what constitutes real success?
I believe that real success is not measured by ones achievements, medals or accomplishments gathered, but rather by the emotions one experiences as a result of these positive results. In other words achievements, milestones and conquests are nothing if you do not allow yourself time to take stock of your accomplishments to date and reflect on their impact on your life.
When was the last time you took stock of your achievements and relived the positive emotions you felt as a result of your triumphs. Allow your self to glow not just from your new achievements, but also allow yourself to reflect and garner happiness from your past achievements and positive experiences. Some things should be allowed to glow years later not just glimmer for a moment.
Glow and live
Thursday, February 11, 2010
www.glowpunk.com Money
Money is a facilitator. It is not important in itself. Money facilitates you to experience emotions. The emotions money allows you to feel if utilised correctly are where the real power lies.
It is not the fast car nor the expensive meal that bring you happiness but the emotions you enjoy as a result of your purchases that are of real importance to your soul and well being.
So when you are making good money relative to your peers or past experiences be aware that the numeric value is not why you feel good. It is the ability money can give you to render these emotions in which money’s real strength lies.
It is not really the money any of us are chasing but the feelings and emotions we experience from its use. Don’t chase money chase emotions. The more positive emotions we chase the more wisely we will use money to our best advantage. Don’t glow to make money. Instead use money to glow the way you want to glow. When you are glowing monetary wealth will follow. Monetary wealth only follows emotional wealth.
Money is a facilitator. It is not important in itself. Money facilitates you to experience emotions. The emotions money allows you to feel if utilised correctly are where the real power lies.
It is not the fast car nor the expensive meal that bring you happiness but the emotions you enjoy as a result of your purchases that are of real importance to your soul and well being.
So when you are making good money relative to your peers or past experiences be aware that the numeric value is not why you feel good. It is the ability money can give you to render these emotions in which money’s real strength lies.
It is not really the money any of us are chasing but the feelings and emotions we experience from its use. Don’t chase money chase emotions. The more positive emotions we chase the more wisely we will use money to our best advantage. Don’t glow to make money. Instead use money to glow the way you want to glow. When you are glowing monetary wealth will follow. Monetary wealth only follows emotional wealth.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
www.glowpunk.com 'Life Force'
Life force
The doorbell rang and I was running. My life-force was glowing. I knew it was my friends outside and I knew that they were glowing too. Like me they were bubbling over with the innate life-force that children possess. We had adventures planned and missions to accomplish. We were not content to just be. We were not content to just sustain. We were not content to just exist. We sought adventure and our mouths salivated at the prospect of all things new and unknown. We were risking, discovering and experiencing daily and we knew we were truly living.
Twenty years on and I am very happy to say that my life-force is stronger now than ever before. My desire to discover and experience new things is never satiated. I have seen some friends slow down and I have seen others stop completely. They have been beaten down by those who cast shadows and the sheep that follow the well beaten path. They allowed others to dictate whether their dreams were attainable or not.
They lost sight of the fact that they are going to die soon and that every day counts. Rekindle your sense of adventure. Reignite your desire to experience and discover. Fan the embers of life that are lying dormant inside you. They do still exist. Let your flames inspire others to glow too. Watch how people are drawn to those who glow. You can change the world anytime. You just have to decide to Glow.
Glow and Live
Life force
The doorbell rang and I was running. My life-force was glowing. I knew it was my friends outside and I knew that they were glowing too. Like me they were bubbling over with the innate life-force that children possess. We had adventures planned and missions to accomplish. We were not content to just be. We were not content to just sustain. We were not content to just exist. We sought adventure and our mouths salivated at the prospect of all things new and unknown. We were risking, discovering and experiencing daily and we knew we were truly living.
Twenty years on and I am very happy to say that my life-force is stronger now than ever before. My desire to discover and experience new things is never satiated. I have seen some friends slow down and I have seen others stop completely. They have been beaten down by those who cast shadows and the sheep that follow the well beaten path. They allowed others to dictate whether their dreams were attainable or not.
They lost sight of the fact that they are going to die soon and that every day counts. Rekindle your sense of adventure. Reignite your desire to experience and discover. Fan the embers of life that are lying dormant inside you. They do still exist. Let your flames inspire others to glow too. Watch how people are drawn to those who glow. You can change the world anytime. You just have to decide to Glow.
Glow and Live
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
www.glowpunk.com Luck
'Good Luck' is a human creation. It is a way to distance yourself from an outcome and conceed responsibility of your actions to a make believe force.
All outcomes are directly related to actions by real palpable forces. One of these forces is YOU. So when something goes well, or you have "good luck," take the time to appreciate the steps you or others took to make an event happen.
Why put everything down to something that may doesn't exist. Why not put it down to you? Afterall you did the 'Glowing.' When was the last time you instigated change for good and didn't accept at least some responsibility for the glowing.
'Good Luck' is a human creation. It is a way to distance yourself from an outcome and conceed responsibility of your actions to a make believe force.
All outcomes are directly related to actions by real palpable forces. One of these forces is YOU. So when something goes well, or you have "good luck," take the time to appreciate the steps you or others took to make an event happen.
Why put everything down to something that may doesn't exist. Why not put it down to you? Afterall you did the 'Glowing.' When was the last time you instigated change for good and didn't accept at least some responsibility for the glowing.
Monday, February 8, 2010
www.glowpunk.com. LOVE
Love is an ever transient enigma! The word itself is a human construct and has no real bond or ties with the real world. We made the word up to simplify an incredibly complex set of reactions to the world around us. Then we packaged it, marketed it, and sold it to our families, children and friends.
Basically we wrapped up one of the most important human experiences in a four letter word. Don´t let the world wrap you up, or put you in a box. Don´t allow other peoples vision of you become your own. You are more complex and more important than love or any other human creation. Accept your greatness and embrace it. Glow baby glow!
Love is an ever transient enigma! The word itself is a human construct and has no real bond or ties with the real world. We made the word up to simplify an incredibly complex set of reactions to the world around us. Then we packaged it, marketed it, and sold it to our families, children and friends.
Basically we wrapped up one of the most important human experiences in a four letter word. Don´t let the world wrap you up, or put you in a box. Don´t allow other peoples vision of you become your own. You are more complex and more important than love or any other human creation. Accept your greatness and embrace it. Glow baby glow!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
www.glowpunk.com Small Changes lead to Big Results.
Never underestimate the power of small changes. You have to do lots of little things in order to achieve a big goal. If you want to run a mile you have to take the first step. If you want to run a marathon you have to run the first mile. If you are going to achieve big you have to start small. If you only focus on making the big changes you might be deterred from starting initially. You want to glow big you got to start with a spark!
Decide what positive step you can take right now that moves you in the direction you want to go. No matter how small the act it is a step in the right direction. Acknowledge every small thing you do. This will drive you forward and help you to make more changes and glow brighter. If you are finding it hard to get out of bed, sit up. If you are finding it hard to go outside get dressed. If you are finding it hard to make friends, take up an activity.
What small change are you going to make today that moves you in the direction you want to go?
‘Glow and live.’
Never underestimate the power of small changes. You have to do lots of little things in order to achieve a big goal. If you want to run a mile you have to take the first step. If you want to run a marathon you have to run the first mile. If you are going to achieve big you have to start small. If you only focus on making the big changes you might be deterred from starting initially. You want to glow big you got to start with a spark!
Decide what positive step you can take right now that moves you in the direction you want to go. No matter how small the act it is a step in the right direction. Acknowledge every small thing you do. This will drive you forward and help you to make more changes and glow brighter. If you are finding it hard to get out of bed, sit up. If you are finding it hard to go outside get dressed. If you are finding it hard to make friends, take up an activity.
What small change are you going to make today that moves you in the direction you want to go?
‘Glow and live.’
Saturday, February 6, 2010
www.glowpunk.com Change The Truth
Change The Truth
Every day is different from the last and today is going to be different too. If you try to remain the same or do not remain flexible you will fail to glow at your brightest. You will remain stationary while the whole universe around you changes. Embrace change. Expect change. Instigate change. After all, change is the only constant. Initially it will be difficult, but like all things with practice it can become second nature. With a little bit of practice you can be a glower.
Why do people have any fixed views? It seems obvious that we are only working on information compiled by those before us. There is no right and wrong. Only what society over time has decided works best for society. There are no Absolutes. There is no real 'Truth.' There are only belief systems that are based on little more than the belief systems of generations of sheepish followers and yes men.
So decide what you believe in and create your own truth. What are you going to change today? Remember you may die soon so you may not have much time.
Every day is different from the last and today is going to be different too. If you try to remain the same or do not remain flexible you will fail to glow at your brightest. You will remain stationary while the whole universe around you changes. Embrace change. Expect change. Instigate change. After all, change is the only constant. Initially it will be difficult, but like all things with practice it can become second nature. With a little bit of practice you can be a glower.
Why do people have any fixed views? It seems obvious that we are only working on information compiled by those before us. There is no right and wrong. Only what society over time has decided works best for society. There are no Absolutes. There is no real 'Truth.' There are only belief systems that are based on little more than the belief systems of generations of sheepish followers and yes men.
So decide what you believe in and create your own truth. What are you going to change today? Remember you may die soon so you may not have much time.
Friday, February 5, 2010
www.glowpunk.com Nothing happens in Isolation
‘Everything leads to something’
Nothing happens in isolation. Not a single action or inaction. A thought even leads to something. A lack of thought too leads to something.
Accept that you are always advancing even if you feel like you are in a rut. Just knowing that you are accomplishing something all the time will allow you to glow a little more. It will help you see your circumstances in a more positive light.
Remember that every time you succeed or fail there is a lesson to be learned and something to be gained. Glowers see lessons all around them. At random times throughout the day try and see lessons in the world around you.
‘Everything leads to something’
Nothing happens in isolation. Not a single action or inaction. A thought even leads to something. A lack of thought too leads to something.
Accept that you are always advancing even if you feel like you are in a rut. Just knowing that you are accomplishing something all the time will allow you to glow a little more. It will help you see your circumstances in a more positive light.
Remember that every time you succeed or fail there is a lesson to be learned and something to be gained. Glowers see lessons all around them. At random times throughout the day try and see lessons in the world around you.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
www.glowpunk.com Give life your all!
Give life your all!
My athletics coach once told me “Unless you are physically incapacitated when you cross the finish line of a cross cou ntry race, you had more to give, and you should have given it.” From that moment on after every race I would collapse in complete and utter exhaustion. My gums would be stinging at the base of my teeth, because every ounce of blood and oxygen had been utilized by my body to drive the muscles needed to propel me forward faster than my competitors.
I would collapse on the ground unable to open my eyes and wait for a few minutes until I could finally find the energy to separate my eyelids and face the horrific prospect of sitting up.
Those insightful words from Mr. Steven Holt (A Legend of a Man) allowed me to reach my full potential on race day. What words would you tell yourself to reach your full potential in life?
Give life your all!
My athletics coach once told me “Unless you are physically incapacitated when you cross the finish line of a cross cou ntry race, you had more to give, and you should have given it.” From that moment on after every race I would collapse in complete and utter exhaustion. My gums would be stinging at the base of my teeth, because every ounce of blood and oxygen had been utilized by my body to drive the muscles needed to propel me forward faster than my competitors.
I would collapse on the ground unable to open my eyes and wait for a few minutes until I could finally find the energy to separate my eyelids and face the horrific prospect of sitting up.
Those insightful words from Mr. Steven Holt (A Legend of a Man) allowed me to reach my full potential on race day. What words would you tell yourself to reach your full potential in life?
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
www.glowpunk.com 7 Rules for Train Surfing
Rules for Train Surfing
1. Pick your boarding location.
Find a place where you can jump on easily and where security is at a minimum. Trains tend to move slower through built up areas and when going down or up steep hills.
2. Reconnaissance.
It is a good idea to go out to your planned boarding point in advance and get a good feel for what you will have to do to board safely and without being caught.
3. Be Prepared.
Always carry enough water and food to keep you hydrated and energized. It is not uncommon for trains to cross vast areas where there is no resources should you have to dismount for any reason. (You may get stuck on a train longer than you planned.)
4. Dress Appropriately
In a warm climate: Always bring enough clothing to cover every inch of your body and protect against sunburn. (You may get stuck on a train longer than you planned.)
In a warm and cold climate: Ensure you bring enough clothing to keep you warm in both the day and night. Hypothermia can be a real risk if you have to stay on longer than anticipated. Also remember to wear clothing that is not prone to snagging or impeding your movement.
5. Security/Weapon
When you are boarding the train keep an eye out for other train surfers. It is not unreasonable to be prepared for more hardened less whimsical characters than yourself. Many train surfers/drifters/hobos use the trains as a method of transport because they have no other means of transport. They may be welcoming or unwelcoming depending on the individual. Either way it is best to plan for the worst and hope for the best. A weapon/attacker deterrent and an escape route are not being too careful. Ensure that you are aware of where you are in relation to other train surfers at all times.
6. Legalities
Remember that what you are doing is illegal in 99.999% of the world. So try and be fit and agile so you can run like a gazelle for a long period of time should you have the need. Some security forces can be brutal.
7. Have Fun.
Wind in your hair, adrenaline pumping, adventure and risk and generally a different view of the world around you. Enjoy it!
'Glow and Live'
Rules for Train Surfing
1. Pick your boarding location.
Find a place where you can jump on easily and where security is at a minimum. Trains tend to move slower through built up areas and when going down or up steep hills.
2. Reconnaissance.
It is a good idea to go out to your planned boarding point in advance and get a good feel for what you will have to do to board safely and without being caught.
3. Be Prepared.
Always carry enough water and food to keep you hydrated and energized. It is not uncommon for trains to cross vast areas where there is no resources should you have to dismount for any reason. (You may get stuck on a train longer than you planned.)
4. Dress Appropriately
In a warm climate: Always bring enough clothing to cover every inch of your body and protect against sunburn. (You may get stuck on a train longer than you planned.)
In a warm and cold climate: Ensure you bring enough clothing to keep you warm in both the day and night. Hypothermia can be a real risk if you have to stay on longer than anticipated. Also remember to wear clothing that is not prone to snagging or impeding your movement.
5. Security/Weapon
When you are boarding the train keep an eye out for other train surfers. It is not unreasonable to be prepared for more hardened less whimsical characters than yourself. Many train surfers/drifters/hobos use the trains as a method of transport because they have no other means of transport. They may be welcoming or unwelcoming depending on the individual. Either way it is best to plan for the worst and hope for the best. A weapon/attacker deterrent and an escape route are not being too careful. Ensure that you are aware of where you are in relation to other train surfers at all times.
6. Legalities
Remember that what you are doing is illegal in 99.999% of the world. So try and be fit and agile so you can run like a gazelle for a long period of time should you have the need. Some security forces can be brutal.
7. Have Fun.
Wind in your hair, adrenaline pumping, adventure and risk and generally a different view of the world around you. Enjoy it!
'Glow and Live'
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
www.glowpunk.com Selling your ass
Why put a ceiling on your potential or your income. Why be a slave to the corporate machine? You study all your life and then you settle for a job that pays you to live a life of mediocrity until you are two old and too conditioned to change to see that your spirit has been crushed. Be your own boss asap! Glow a little!
The worst that can happen is that you will fail dramatically, loose everything you own, and end up living on the streets selling your ass for your next fix of crack. It is eithertake a chance and possibly succeed or you continue to sell your ass to your boss like a corporate whore.
You’ll be dead soon! Cease the day. ha ha!
‘Glow and Live’
Why put a ceiling on your potential or your income. Why be a slave to the corporate machine? You study all your life and then you settle for a job that pays you to live a life of mediocrity until you are two old and too conditioned to change to see that your spirit has been crushed. Be your own boss asap! Glow a little!
The worst that can happen is that you will fail dramatically, loose everything you own, and end up living on the streets selling your ass for your next fix of crack. It is eithertake a chance and possibly succeed or you continue to sell your ass to your boss like a corporate whore.
You’ll be dead soon! Cease the day. ha ha!
‘Glow and Live’
Monday, February 1, 2010
www.glowpunk.com Life is not about the Struggle
Life isn’t about the struggle.
Human beings are built to struggle. Many say we are made up of two parts, the body and the mind. There is nearly always conflict between the two. Our bodies may be old but we feel young. We may physically desire the affections and attentions of another, but our minds may guide us away from that person for various reasons. These two simple examples illustrate to us that even on at our most basic level of existence we are struggling. As individuals we struggle with ourselves.
Then we get up in the morning and the first person we meet has ideas and plans of their own that are completely dissimilar to our own. So now, not only are we struggling with ourselves but we have to factor in the desires of others and acknowledge their struggles and problems.
Then to confuse it all many of us have been brought up within a religious context. Even those who call themselves agnostics and atheists have chosen a belief (or lack of) system to further complicate their struggle.
So my fellow glowers, you are at war with your own bodies, the people around you and an invisible force that created you (or you are clueless to why you are here which is a tough position to be in too). So what can you do? Surely there must be something you can do to make life easier. Well my fellow glowers, my advice would be...... accept it, and move on. Essentially 'Get Over It!' The struggle will always exist, but you can choose how much importance to give it. Life isn’t about the struggle. It is about everything but the struggle.
'Glow and Live'
Life isn’t about the struggle.
Human beings are built to struggle. Many say we are made up of two parts, the body and the mind. There is nearly always conflict between the two. Our bodies may be old but we feel young. We may physically desire the affections and attentions of another, but our minds may guide us away from that person for various reasons. These two simple examples illustrate to us that even on at our most basic level of existence we are struggling. As individuals we struggle with ourselves.
Then we get up in the morning and the first person we meet has ideas and plans of their own that are completely dissimilar to our own. So now, not only are we struggling with ourselves but we have to factor in the desires of others and acknowledge their struggles and problems.
Then to confuse it all many of us have been brought up within a religious context. Even those who call themselves agnostics and atheists have chosen a belief (or lack of) system to further complicate their struggle.
So my fellow glowers, you are at war with your own bodies, the people around you and an invisible force that created you (or you are clueless to why you are here which is a tough position to be in too). So what can you do? Surely there must be something you can do to make life easier. Well my fellow glowers, my advice would be...... accept it, and move on. Essentially 'Get Over It!' The struggle will always exist, but you can choose how much importance to give it. Life isn’t about the struggle. It is about everything but the struggle.
'Glow and Live'
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